
West Philadelphia Free Community Summer Camp.
Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Inc.
Minister V anessa Dicks - Coordinator

I have organized two free summer community camps, the first one in 2016 and again in 2017; which lasted for the duration of one month. In 2017 over 120 children were registered to attend our camp; which was twice. as many children than we had in 2016. For that reason, we needed all the help we could get. Thankfully, members of our church volunteered to teach and help out in other areas needed, and in addition we hired part time instructors. We were also able to feed the children breakfast, lunch and a snake; provided by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

Our classes were divided in three sections, according to age. Ages 4t08,9 to 12, and 13 to 16. Ms. Patricia Melendon, who is also a member of our church, volunteered to help out and to be an instructor. She was responsible to teach the Young Scholars, whose ages ranged from ages 4to 8. Her class attendance numbered between 10-13 children on a daily bases.

We knew that Ms. McLendon was musically talented; but what we did not know about her, was that she also owned a company called Wittles Worth Innovative Education, for which she creates educational tools, some of which she used to teach her class complex lessons.

She created everything she used, with which she taught them the concepts of numbers, literature, and even the solar system. She made a globe, gave it atmosphere, surrounded it with molecules, and showed the children how the sun controls them al. She used her tools and methods of teaching to convey the concept of ‘multiplication, division, adding, sublracting, and phonics rules.

The children were able to grasp every lessons almost immediately. They had so much fun learning new things, interacting and participating, and when given a question about what they learned, they were so anxious. to share their new found knowledge, that they would often yell out answers before being called upon.

The children were learning so many new things, and so were the parents. Parents reported that their children were teaching them things, of which they were not even aware. Needless to say, the parents were very impressed how much their children were learning in such a short period of time. Ms. McLendon's educational tools and teaching methods made a huge positive difference and lasting impression.

Also, members from the Archdiocese were so impressed by Ms. McLendon's creativity that they sent Drexel University students from China to observe our Camp, as well as her educational inventions. Asa result, our camp was named the best summer camp in Philadelphia.

With Ms. McLendon's educational tools help make our camp an overwhelming success. We are looking forward to offering another community summer camp next year.

Warm est regards,
Youth Pastor Vanessa Dicks
‘Summer Camp Coordinator


What an amazing online ANALOG TIME learning platform designed exclusively for kids! As a parent, I'm delighted with the educational opportunities it provides for my little ones. The website offers a captivating range of courses, carefully curated to spark curiosity and creativity in young minds. The interactive ANALOG TIME RELATED IMAGES and child-friendly interface makes navigating through lessons a breeze, ensuring an enjoyable learning experience. I love how the platform adapts to my children's individual learning pace, allowing them to grasp ANALOG concepts effectively. It's a safe and nurturing space for kids to explore various subjects and discover their passions. I highly recommend this website to all parents seeking a fun and educational online platform for their children's growth and development!

Warm Regards,
Addy Dixon


First and foremost, I thank GOD for giving me a dream and the insight to develop the Wittles Worth Company and its educational tools. The Wittles Worth Clock Book and the Wittles Worth educational tools are dedicated to my dear children, Thomas R. Niblack Jr., Traiema J. (Niblack) Escott, and Tai J. Niblack. You are the love of my life and the inspiration for Wittles Worth educational products. I want to express my deepest appreciation to my sons Tommy and Tai, and their spouses Moriah and Ghie (respectively), and to my beloved grandchildren. Thank you for your support, photos, musical expertise, and for your expeditious response to my requests. I also thank you for your enthusiastic participation toward the production of the Wittles Worth Clockbook and CD trailer. To Tommy, the sweet sounds of laughter you produced of your children, Saidah and Ian, adds so much charm to the Wittles Worth soundtrack. Every time I hear the track, their voices make me smile inside and out. To Saidah, I love the heartfelt ending you performed on the Wittles Worth trailer. Now, every child can proudly declare, “I may be wittle, but I’m worth a lot!” To Tai, thank you for beautifully and speedily transcribing the music for the O’clock song at the last moment. To Evan, Ian , Saidah, Abi, and Sias, thank you for laying the first counting tracks and for your input. To my precious children, children-n-laws, and grandchildren, you are so beautiful to me, and I love you more than words can describe.

Special heartfelt thanks to my immediate family members, for your time, support, patience, and participation towards the production of the Wittles Worth CD trailer and products. To Dad, Elder Goldwire McLendon and Mom, the late Ruth Augusta (Byrd) McLendon, thank you for your endless support and undying love. To Mrs. Wanda McLendon thank you for your thoughtfulness and love. Special thanks to my dear brother, Antonio C. McLendon, his wife Janice McLendon, and their daughter Samara J. McLendon. To Tony, thank you for perfectly interpreting my telephoned vocal rendition of the Wittles Worth and O’clock songs, and for making them come to life. To Janice, thank you for your availability, editorial assistance, your voiceover recording of Mrs. Wittles Worth’s character, and for your signature way of saying “Uh-huh!” To my sweet niece Samara, thank you for writing these profound lyrics “I may be wittle; but I’m worth a lot!” They offer a key component to the Wittles Worth trailer and add a tender voice of confidence, that children around the world can embrace. To my dear cousins, Mr. & Mrs. Cordell, and Sheila Byrd, thank you for your assistance and for going out of your way to comfort me after my sweet mother transitioned.

Special thanks to Ms. Carrie Johnson for your love and faithful support throughout the years. Thank you SCORE mentor professionals for your guidance. Thank you, Mrs. Renay Boyce, and Mrs. Joyce Dukes, of the Philadelphia Board of Education for loving my products enough to invest your time and support. Thank you to Mr. Kevin Williams, of the Drexel University Dornsife Community Center, for sharing your professional marketing tips, computer knowledge, and advice. Thank you, Mr., and Mrs. Fred Williams of Gospel Highway 11 Radio station, for your kindness and for investing your time and support. Thank you, Minister Rose K. Evans, for believing in me and for welcoming me into your family and your home. I am eternally grateful! Thank you, Minister, and Mrs. Taiye David Adebiyi, for all your support and prayers. Heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Jeanette Wiggins King for just being there! You were there when I needed you the most! Thank you for your love, friendship, encouragement, and support. Thank you, Ms. Julietta Thomas, for always taking the time to assist me with my product imaging inquiries. And thank you for every kind deed and word of encouragement. To all my dear family members and friends, I love you deeply and I pray that God’s riches blessings will overtake each one of you.

Thank you, Ms. Muir, of Muir’s Little Scholars Daycare, for believing in my products and for your purchases. Thank you, Kwanza A. Howard, of Educare Academy, for your warm welcome, your professional advice, and for allowing me to share my Clockbook at your school. Thank you, Dr. Joi Spraggins of Legacy Pathways LLC, for welcoming me into your organization. Thank you, Delmarva Print and Design team, for your printing expertise and for fulfilling all my urgent printing needs. Sincere thanks to each individual who offered his and her support, and to every organization that allowed me to introduce myself, my products, and my company to you and your staff. Finally, thank you Educators and Parents around the world for including Wittles Worth Innovative Educational products amongst your cadre of learning materials. We value your participation and commitment to educating our children.